Thursday, May 12, 2011

Renovation, part IV

These images are from the beginning of May--I've been slacking on my blogging!--and there will be many more to add this week as the exterior rock work begins and the interior finish work gets done and carpet is installed.

First of all, Rich took these pix of a trail ride poster because we have had guests ask us for referrals. Truth be told, we don't have any personal experience upon which to base a referral, but we've heard good things about Flynn Creek (below) and the Wineglass Trail Rides (click).

Now, here are some shots around the house...

This is the place for the downstairs fireplace/woodstove

These are the downstairs bathroom sinks.

(Nothing in this bathroom looks like what we chose, so these pix really took me by surprise. That's part of why it took me so long to post them)

The upstairs living room fireplace,once was brick, now it's rock--great work by Mike!

(I'm having issues with the assymetry here, but hopefully it won't be so obvious once the room is decorated)

New flooring in the upstairs breakfast area (ktichen is off to the right)

Kitchen (sans dushwasher) looking toward dining room from breakfast area

The other side of the kitchen (waiting for the cook top)

Kitchen from dining area, looking back toward breakfast area

Dining Room

My mom's hutch in fits perfectly in the dining room!


Lastly, I was reminded today of what a GREAT show Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations is, so here's a link to his episode about Livingston. It's a great portrait of our life here--ENJOY!

No Reservations- Livingston- Part 2

No Reservations- Livingston- Part 3

PS: Russ Chatham lives about 6 house down from us on our street and he wears those overalls everyday:)


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