Last time we checked in with the renovation, we were just getting ready to tape and texture the upstairs dry wall. That project got done, and then on March 5th, all the dry wall was painted with primer. I stopped by with the kids to take pictures.
Here are James and Uncle Mike in the dining area.
Check out the pretty arches the guys built into the kitchen! This is taken looking from the dining room toward the back of the house.
On Saturday, 3/12 we headed out to check out more progress. It was pretty dang spring-like outside--60 degrees! I took this thru my windshield at the mouth of the valley at the edge of town, heading south.
Here is the kitchen looking back from the dining room. Notice Mike's awesome tile design and how well the linen-y paint color blends with the tile (actually, scroll down--the lower pic is better)
Most of the upstairs is that nice, neutral taupe color, but we added two sage accent walls to go with some of the furnishings we've already chosen. This area will be the upstairs living room, with couches, reading chair, and a TV/DVD & built-in bookcase (the bookcase is being built as I type, in that space to the right of the fireplace).
Here's another kitchen shot, looking form teh back of the house toward the dining room in front. I think it's lovely and I am excited to see the cabinetry installed this week!
Just for fun, here's a shot off the back's thawing out there!
Gratuitous upstairs bathroom shot--Mike's tile work is so pretty!
Grandma Rosalie painting the dining room accent wall.

Later that night on our gun shopping date, Rich and I found some good deals on bathroom stuff--nice shower curtain liners, rings, and even a curtain and some rugs we hope will be nice in the other upstairs bathroom. So fun...things are coming together.
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